About MSAM
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MSAM stands for the Muslim Students' Association of Morioka, Japan, started their activities from April 1990, and established on Macrh 1, 1996. This is completely a non-profit (volunteer) organization of all the Muslims of Morioka, Japan. The MSAM is a close-knit and friendly community which serves to assist all Morioka's Muslims in their practice of Islam and endeavors to promote understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims on campus.

MSAM address:
#202 House-Takamatsu,
2-2-31 Takamatsu, Morioka, JAPAN

Bank Account:
Iwate Bank, Takamatsu Branch
A/C No.: 104-1038641
Holder : Moslem Students Association of Morioka

Contact person:
Yasser M. M. Moustafa
MORIOKA, 020-8550, JAPAN
TEL: LAB:019 621 6253 / HOME:019 645 2669 Fax: 019 621 6253

Sarjono Mohammad 090-3983-4945
email: sarjono@yahoo.co.jp


The purposes of the organization shall be to:

1. Bring the Muslims of Morioka together and to help them in their practice of Islam.
2. Make Islam better understood by the MSAM Community and to promote understanding between the Muslims and non-Muslims.
E-mail: msam@yahoogroups.com
Web Site: http://msam.50megs.com/

Copyright (C) 2002 MSAM